Astrakhan State University Offers Digital Mapping to the Region

Astrakhan State University Offers Digital Mapping to the Region

Viktor Zanozin, an assistant professor of the Department of Geography, Cartography & Geoinformatics, presented his report at a meeting of the Agency for State Property Management of Astrakhan region. The reporting event was chaired by Sergey Morozov, the Governor of Astrakhan region ad interim.

The Head of the region briefly outlined the main areas of activities and objectives of the Agency, as well as its priority tasks in the field of state property management. Natalia Moskvitina, the Acting Head of the Agency, reported on the outcomes of 2018 and the objectives for 2019.

Tatiana Belova, the Head of the Astrakhan Department of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography, spoke about implementation of the target models “Registration of Rights” and “Cadastral Registration” in Astrakhan region. She also mentioned the issue of preparing relevant mapping materials.

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Viktor Zanozin, a Ph.D. student and a university employee, addressed the audience with a report on applying high technologies for mapping services, which can be done by ASU experts. The young researcher told the participants about a digital aspect of territorial urban systems. On behalf of Astrakhan State University, the student proposed to implement a territorial urban information system which will carry out a wide range of important social and industrial tasks.

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The Governor ad interim expressed strong interest in ASU innovations; in follow-up of the meeting, he directly talked to Konstantin Markelov, the ASU Acting Rector, and Viktor Zanozin and initiated the launching of a pilot project.

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