ASU Municipal Employees Learn about New Technologies of Strengthening International Friendship at ASU

ASU Municipal Employees Learn about New Technologies of Strengthening International Friendship at ASU

Astrakhan State University has launched an educational programme, implemented by the Faculty of Business & Economy together with the Internal Policy Department of the Administration of the Governor. Regional municipal employees are taking an advanced training course in organization of local self-government authorities’ activities on regulation of international relations and migrants’ adaptation to the sociocultural environment.

The participants represent a wide range of regional districts: the programme has aroused interest of public officials from Astrakhan, the Kamyzyaksky, Privolzhsky and other regional districts. The main category of attendees is heads, deputy heads and specialists of municipal authorities.

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Tatiana Mordasova, an associate professor of the ASU Department of State & Municipal Administration, Accounting & Auditing, welcomed the audience, stressed the relevance of the topic under consideration and talked about the tendencies in development of international and interreligious relations. Tatiana Mordasova noted that despite the fact that municipal entities of Astrakhan region have efficient well-established mechanisms of strengthening international relations and work with migrants, the traditional projects and technologies are being complemented by new ones. That is why continuous advancement of professional skills becomes a must for municipal employees who are, in fact, the vanguard of this essential and necessary labour front.

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