ASU Administration Commends Activities of Its Znamensk Branch

ASU Administration Commends Activities of Its Znamensk Branch

On April 12, Znamensk welcomed a delegation headed by Acting Rector Konstantin Markelov. The guests visited the polygon “Kapustin Yar”, participated in a scientific conference and listened to a report by the Branch Director on conducted activities.

The programme of their visit included a visit to the 4th State Central Cross-Branch Polygon “Kapustin Yar” of the RF Ministry of Defense, timed to a significant day — the anniversary of the first manned spaceflight.

Konstantin Markelov and the university administration members visited a branch of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces Museum and dived into the times of the dawn of military rocketry and space research. After this historical journey, the Astrakhan guests visited the place of the first launch of the R-1 rocket, which opened the era of rocket and space research.

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On the same day, Konstantin Markelov took part in the scientific conference “Issues of Raising Efficiency of Scientific Activities in Russian Defense Industry” which has been held by Astrakhan State University together with the 4th State Central Cross-Branch Polygon for the second straight year.

The Rector welcomed the participants and told them about ASU priorities in developing engineering education and research programmes, connected with the defense industry both of Astrakhan region and of the whole Caspian region.

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During their visit to Znamensk, the ASU administration also listened to a report on the branch activities in 2018 and its plans for 2019, presented by Branch Director Roman Kozyrkov. He dwelled on last year achievements of the branch and outlined its priorities in further work.

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Znamensk Branch of Astrakhan State University