Astrakhan State University Students Participate in Nowruz Celebration

Astrakhan State University Students Participate in Nowruz Celebration

On April 13, the Astrakhan Central Stadium hosted en event, dedicated to the festival of spring. It was attended, among other guests, by participants of the ASU School of Interethnic Journalism.

Nowruz has already become a traditional nationwide celebration which has integrated quite harmoniously into modern life, preserving the continuance of the traditions and customs.

The guests learnt about peculiarities of celebrating Nowruz from Azerbaijanis, Kazakhs, Nogais, Turkmen, Tatars and Uzbeks. Each nation had a special area were they presented their original culture. The event programme included tasting of national dishes, performances by artistic teams, exhibitions of houseware, costumes and other everyday items. There were special photo zones for those who wanted to capture this wonderful celebration, diving into the history of these nations and even trying on a national costume.

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Today, Nowruz is of great value for all the nations living in Astrakhan region, and it not only unites people but also creates a dialogue of cultures.

All the photo reportages, reports and video, made that day by the participants of the School of Interethnic Journalism, were published on the federal website of the Interethnic Journalism Guild marked “Nowruz in Astrakhan”.

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Faculty of Philology & Journalism