ASU Will Train Games Programmers

ASU Will Train Games Programmers

Within the framework of MAGnUS project, Astrakhan State University will start developing a Master’s degree programme for next-generation IT experts "Mobile Applications & Game Design".

On April 2-6, Linköping University, Sweden, held a coordination meeting and a seminar for the project participants. Experts of ASU and other Russian and foreign universities got to know about practical aspects of training IT experts of Russia and Azerbaijan.

MAGnUS project was initiated within the framework of Erasmus+ international programme and aims at facilitating modernization and internationalization of higher education in Azerbaijan and Russia in compliance with global tendencies and with regard to the Bologna process principles. 

The uniqueness and innovation of the MA programme "Mobile Applications & Game Design" consists in an opportunity to master advanced approaches to professional activities in a highly promising area of communication and information technologies, in focusing on training new-generation specialists and in active application of the best European practices.

MAGnUS implies establishment of a consortium of the universities. The Russian participants are Astrakhan State University, Southern Federal University and Voronezh State University.

Azerbaijan is represented by Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku State University and Baku Engineering University.

The European partners are Linköping University, Sweden, Polytechnic Institute of Tomar, Portugal, Tallinn University, Estonia, and University of Derby, the UK. The Swedish University hosted the coordination meeting, where the partners prepared an eventful programme for the participants who, in their turn, got to know about practical aspects of the project implementation.

Project Office of International Cooperation & Development