ASU Starts a New Season of Competitions "I am a Professional"

ASU Starts a New Season of Competitions

On May 14, Astrakhan State University organized an open educational platform to prepare the participants of the all-Russia student competition in the category "Advertising and PR".

According to the organizers, the educational competition of the new format is not just a check of participants’ knowledge level but a kind of upward mobility for each student. Along with the cash prize, the winners will be awarded special privileges in enrollment at Russian leading universities and will get an opportunity to participate in winter schools and to be included in the national database of the competition, i.e. to increase their chances of undertaking traineeships and getting employed at large partner companies.

The purpose of the platform, organized at ASU, was to explain the principles of tasks and competition requirements to the future participants. The representatives of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics", who paid a visit to Astrakhan State University, are sure that students must be prepared for participation in the competition and shouldn’t be afraid of trying their hand.

The one-day course, designed both for senior pupils and students of Astrakhan universities, included master classes from specialists of the working group of the Department of Integrated Communications of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics" under the guidance of Olga Afanasieva, who supervises the category "Advertising and PR" of the all-Russia student competition "I am a Professional".

The second part of the educational platform was a case-study competition in communication, aimed at enhancing practical skills of dealing with the competition common tasks.

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