ASU Teachers’ Experience Will Be Introduced in Practices of Foreign Universities

ASU Teachers’ Experience Will Be Introduced in Practices of Foreign Universities

Scientists of the Faculty of Pedagogics & Social Work represented Astrakhan State University at the 5th International Forum on Pedagogical Education at Kazan Federal University.

The scientific event involved representatives of the Education Research Association from Poland, the UK, Turkey, the USA, Slovenia, Ireland, Bulgaria, Sweden and all leading universities of the Russian Federation. More than 500 scientists from 74 foreign and 132 Russian universities addressed urgent issues of modern education.

Astrakhan State University was represented by Galina Palatkina, the Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogics & Social Work, Irina Romanovskaya, the Head of the Department of Pedagogics & Continuing Professional Education, and Elena Tarabanovskaya, an Associate Professor of the same department.

Prof. Palatkina’s report on new tools in patriotic values formation in the younger generation within civic socialization not only aroused keen interest among the Russian scientists but also was taken into account by foreign researchers as a potentially viable educational technology.

Irina Romanovskaya and Elena Tarabanovskaya addressed the forum audience with a report on training foreign students. The study, which has been carried out for 4 years under the guidance of Prof. Aleksandr Treshchev, resulted in an efficient strategy for development of cognitive interest in foreign students through vitageneous education.

During the scientific discussion, the experience of Astrakhan State University was considered relevant for implementation in practices of training teachers-to-be from different countries.

Faculty of Pedagogics & Social Work