Astrakhan State University Discusses Prospects of Modern Green Technologies

Astrakhan State University Discusses Prospects of Modern Green Technologies

On June 11, the ASU Chemical Faculty held the 6th scientific conference for students and young scientists "Current Issues of Chemistry and Education".

The organizers dedicated the event to the 150th anniversary of the discovery of the periodic law and Mendeleev’s Periodic Table. The conference aimed at extending competences, deepening theoretical knowledge, improving professional skills and testing the research results of students and young scientists.

The scientific event participants worked in four sections: Green Chemistry (moderated by Prof. Aleksey Tyrkov), Organic Chemistry (moderated by Prof. Anatoly Velikorodov), Petrochemistry (moderated by Associate Professor Yulia Ocheredko) and Chemical Education (moderated by Associate Professor Olga Sadomtseva). The reports dwelled on a wide range of issues from modern green technologies to advanced educational methods. The event will result in publication of the conference proceedings.

Chemical Faculty