Astrakhan State University Students Meet with a Drug Control Service Officer

Astrakhan State University Students Meet with a Drug Control Service Officer

1st-year students of the ASU Faculty of Business & Economy met with Tatiana Martynova, an expert of the Unit of Interdepartmental Interaction on Prevention of the Regional Department of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia.

During the seminar, the speaker referred to specific articles of the Criminal and Administrative Codes of the Russian Federation and told the audience about the responsibility of each citizen for promotion, use and distribution of drugs, noting that the amnesty almost does not cover the convicted persons that have twisted their fortune with drugs. Tatiana Martynova explained, giving some detailed examples, that it is forbidden to wear clothes with images of drugs that are included in the All-Russia Register: punitive sanctions are imposed for such violations, including on lawbreakers’ parents. The guest also talked to the students about illegal cultivation of plants that contain narcotic substances, told them about the operation “MAK”, which is conducted in the Russian Federation and aims at detecting and brushing out hemp.

Tatiana Martynova particularly focused on some health issues, relevant for young people and their posterity. The speaker explained that modern narcotic substances, including different smoking mixtures, cause physical addiction much later, and it is the first danger of synthetic drugs. And once spice, for example, is taken for the first time, there can be severe hallucinations, and young people can jump out of the window or become dangerous for other people.

In our country there are a lot of anonymous offices and centres that help addicted persons, said the guest.

Faculty of Business & Economy