ASU Presents Postcards at a Book Festival in Moscow

ASU Presents Postcards at a Book Festival in Moscow

The publishing culture & education project of the ASU Faculty of Philology & Journalism aims at promotion of the creation of Velimir Khlebnikov, an outstanding representative of the Russian literature of the 20th century.

The poet’s biography is inseparably associated with Astrakhan, that is why the core of the project “Literary Postcards” is an idea on an unbreakable link between Khlebnikov’s personality, his artistic works and the place that inspired the author to create.

The ASU philologists’ concept implies visualization of artistic images, Astrakhan topoi and natural-philosophic ideas of the poet. The key element of the project is the publishing product “Literary Postcards”, which are a result of the teamwork of students and teachers of the Faculty of Philology & Journalism. The students analyzed Velimir Khlebnikov’s works and selected the brightest fragments, connected with his native region. One can see artistic presentation of the idea on the front side of the postcard in the form of water-color drawings, showing different places of Astrakhan, crucial for Velimir Khlebnikov, that were made by Faculty teacher Daria Nefedova. The back of the postcards contains fragments of Khlebnikov’s works.

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The literary postcards were presented at the book festival “Red Square” by Lyudmila Kasianova, the Dean of the Faculty of Philology & Journalism who initiated the project, on the culmination day of the book festival — Russian Language Day.

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Faculty of Philology & Journalism