ASU on ISLAND 10-22: Astrakhan State University Enters into Partnership with Kabardino-Balkarian State University

ASU on ISLAND 10-22: Astrakhan State University Enters into Partnership with Kabardino-Balkarian State University

On July 16, ASU Acting Rector Konstantin Markelov and Yuri Altudov, the Rector of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov, signed an agreement on strategic partnership between the universities within the framework of the second educational workshop “Island 10-22”.

The rectors outlined the main areas for successful cooperation between the universities in order to establish efficient interaction in scientific, cultural and international spheres. The parties agreed on developing and implementing joint educational, research, international and cultural projects at different level, on developing the partner universities’ potential through knowledge exchange and generation of new research and engineering solutions.

During the signing ceremony, the rectors discussed possibilities of using the universities’ HR for carrying out joint academic activities and raising efficiency of the ASU and KBSU infrastructures.

The universities are going to develop student mobility programmes, jointly organize study courses and student traineeships and implement large scientific projects, including with creation of temporary joint teams of the universities’ staff members.

Directorate of Information Policy