“Astrakhan State University Has Lived Up to My Expectations and Hopes”

“Astrakhan State University Has Lived Up to My Expectations and Hopes”

An ASU student Kirill Legkodimov talks about how he became a rower and why he entered the Faculty of Physical Training & Sports.

As the young man says, he joined the rowing and canoeing club named after Tikhonov thanks to his classmate. When he was 13 and was in the 7th form, Kirill really focused on going in for canoeing, and at that time he made his first serious achievement — we won two medals at the All-Russian competitions.

Being in the 11th form, Kirill Legkodimov realized he’d like to continue his sports career and choose the major that would allow him to obtain an in-demand education and keep training at a high level. The young man opted for the Faculty of Physical Training & Sports of Astrakhan State University.

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“Having passed the first study year, I can say with great confidence that ASU has lived up to my expectations and hopes. I’m glad to be a student of this university and to have an opportunity to master an interesting and very important major and to keep my way to further success in sports,” — says Kirill.

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Faculty of Physical Training & Sports

Photo: courtesy of Kirill Legkodimov