MA Students of Astrakhan State University Get a Chance to Win More Grants

MA Students of Astrakhan State University Get a Chance to Win More Grants

Astrakhan State University trains more than 800 talented Master’s degree students who already have their own scientific projects. Financing of students’ individual developments is provided through grants. On July 31, Russian President Vladimir Putin approved the instructions on support of MA students who have demonstrated their outstanding abilities. The document is published on the Kremlin website.

From 2020, the overall number of the presidential grants will increase from 5,000 to 6,500. The government will provide additional financial support to the talented youth, undertaking MA programmes at universities.

On the instructions of the RF President, the government is to present a project of the RF President decree on an increase of the number of grants. The President also charged with «revising the allocation of federal budget appropriations for payment of RF presidential grants.»

It should be recalled that the 2015 Decree determined the amount of 20 thousand rubles as a monthly payment of a RF president grant during the established period of study.

Directorate of Information Policy

(source: Rossiyskaya Gazeta materials)