ASU Is Ready to Serve a Venue of Second Caspian Economic Forum

ASU Is Ready to Serve a Venue of Second Caspian Economic Forum

The organization of another international event has been announced today by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev during his today’s speech at the 2019 Caspian Economic Forum in Turkmenistan.

Addressing the delegates of the first Caspian Economic Forum, the Chairman of the RF Government outlined a number of important areas of state-to-state cooperation in the Caspian region like upgrading of the port infrastructure, construction of new port facilities, development of non-resource industries, enhancement of the special economic zone “Lotus”, its cooperation with similar structures in other Caspian states, tourism support and a lot more.

Besides, having thanked Turkmenistan for its hospitability, Dmitry Medvedev invited the participants of the delegations to Astrakhan, where, according to the Prime Minister, it is planned to hold the next Caspian Economic Forum, says TASS.

“Astrakhan State University is going to take an active part in the large international event, which will be organized in our city. The university will be one of the discussion platforms, where the strategy of international economic activities of the Caspian states will be formed”, says ASU Acting Rector Konstantin Markelov, who is also a member of the Astrakhan delegation at the 2019 Caspian Economic Forum, in respect to the governmental initiative.

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Konstantin Markelov also noted that the rectors of Astrakhan universities — Astrakhan State University, Astrakhan State Technical University, Astrakhan State Medical University, Caspian Institute of Marine and River Transport (a branch of the Volga State University of Water Transport) — that are taking part in the forum agree that it’s necessary to develop closer interuniversity cooperation for promotion of academic projects in the Caspian region and enhancement of opportunities for the Caspian youth in getting high-quality education, communication and implementation of scientific research.

Directorate of Information Policy (source: TASS materials)

Photo: courtesy of Konstantin Markelov