Astrakhan State University Establishes a Digital Transformation Centre

Astrakhan State University Establishes a Digital Transformation Centre

A respective initiative was put forward by ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov at an expanded meeting of the Academic Council.

Addressing the teachers and administrative staff members, the head of the university recalled the participation of the ASU delegation in the second educational workshop “Island 20-35”, which took place this July at Skolkovo. One of the results of this eventful workshop was a clear understanding of a need to survive in the competitive environment and, as a consequence, to introduce basic changes in the work of higher educational institutions.

Meeting the current requirements for the university management, ASU will establish a new network unit — a centre for digital transformation. According to Konstantin Markelov, ASU will develop a roadmap on interaction of the new unit with all the functioning subdivisions of the university within a month.

The meeting of the Academic Council also saw a discussion on current issues of the university activities and a ceremony of handing certificates of gratitude to some teachers and administrative staff members of the university for their active work as jury members of the competition “Teacher of the Year” and their help with organization and holding of the all-Russian competition “Digital Breakthrough”.

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