Konstantin Markelov Congratulates ASU on Knowledge Day

Konstantin Markelov Congratulates ASU on Knowledge Day

Dear students, teachers and administrative staff members of Astrakhan State University! I wholeheartedly congratulate all of you with the beginning of the new academic year.

Each year, each Knowledge Day, everyone who is involved into the educational process — both who learn and who teach — begin their exciting adventure of ongoing development and intellectual success. I’m sure that this year, our joint work will be fruitful and successful: we’ll reach new heights, fulfil our plans and set new ambitious goals.

It’s no exaggeration to say that those who are proudly called students of Astrakhan State University have stroke of luck! Our university rightly has an acknowledged place in the Russian educational system. To prove our achievements, I’ll recall a couple of recent facts: ASU is on the Forbes list of Top-100 universities of Russia and the Superjob list of Top-20 economic universities of Russia. These high indices have been reached thanks to the united team of teachers and administrative staff of our university, whose daily work is focused on transferring their vast bundle of knowledge and huge life experience to you, dear students.

May each academic day at ASU bring you plenty of useful information and open new opportunities both for studies and for social activities. No matter what you are going to dedicate yourself to, you may always reckon on unquestioning support personally from me and from all the administration of the university, as your intellectual, sporting and artistic victories create a unique image of Astrakhan State University as a prestigious educational institution at the regional, federal and international levels.

And, of course, I’d like to especially congratulate those who have joined the ASU student family only this year. Dear freshers! You’ve made a right decision, having chosen our university over the others, and we’ll try living up to your expectations and even surpassing them. May the bundle of knowledge that you’ll gain here be your ticket to successful career in the sphere you’ll choose. I want you to remember the studies at Astrakhan State University as a time of discoveries, friendship and success in everything!

Congratulations! Happy Knowledge Day!

Konstantin Markelov, Rector of Astrakhan State University