ASU Develops Partnership with Russian Universities at EEF-2019

ASU Develops Partnership with Russian Universities at EEF-2019

Rector of Astrakhan State University Konstantin Markelov is taking part in the 5th Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok. The forum is as always eventful: the programme includes panel and round-table discussions, televised debates, business breakfasts and dialogues.

Today, the Rector of Astrakhan State University has negotiated with Andrey Shushin, the Vice President for Academic Affairs of the Far Eastern Federal University, and tomorrow the parties are going to sign a cooperation agreement at the forum.

Konstantin Markelov also talked to Vera Skorobogatova, the Director of the Main State Center for Education Evaluation of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science. During the discussion of some business issues, the ASU Rector invited the Center Director to pay a visit to Astrakhan State University.

Within the main programme of the forum Konstantin Markelov took part in the session “Russia and the EAEU in the Asia Pacific: Key Integration Factors and Prospects for Strengthening Business Ties”, where the participants discussed some issues of efficient mechanisms for development stimulation, applied in the Asia Pacific, as well as the key barriers for bringing the cooperation to the next level.

Directorate of Information Policy

Photo: courtesy of Konstantin Markelov