Project of Astrakhan State University Scientists Will Be Implemented at Skolkovo

Project of Astrakhan State University Scientists Will Be Implemented at Skolkovo

The project of the ASU Caspian Higher Engineering School “Offshore Multipurpose Unmanned Platform” was approved by the expert commission of the Development Fund of the Centre for Development and Commercialization of New Technologies.

The project is jointly implemented by Astrakhan State University, Astrakhan State Technical University and scientific and research institutions — Caspian Scientific & Research Institute of Fisheries and Caspian Maritime Scientific & Research Centre.

The project Offshore Multipurpose Unmanned Platform implies creation of a universal robotic carrier, capable of autonomous navigation and solution of tasks of resources development in the World ocean.

In late August 2019, the project of the platform was submitted for expert examination to the Development Fund of the Skolkovo Centre for Development and Commercialization of New Technologies and was positively evaluated by seven independent experts. According to their evaluation, the presented invention of ASU now has got a status of participant of the project on creation and maintenance of the innovative centre Skolkovo.

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