First Things with the First: ASU Rector Welcomes Freshers

First Things with the First: ASU Rector Welcomes Freshers

The 1st year students asked urgent questions to Konstantin Markelov, learnt about the history of Astrakhan State University and the advantages of studying at one of the best HEIs of Southern Russia.

Welcoming the audience, the Rector stressed once again that the studentship gives a start for future achievements in life. The freshers were shown a presentation about the most important organizations that ASU is a member of, about some strategic partners of the university, some plans for its development and professional and artistic opportunities, offered by the university to its students.

The activists of the United Council of Students asked Konstantin Markelov five tricky questions, and now the freshers know how much time the Rector surfs the social networks, what films he likes and how he spends his free time.

Then each student could ask Konstantin Markelov a question: they asked about the financing of student councils, modernization of some buildings of the university, creation of special conditions for people with special need and development of a project on the university’s own brand.

At the end of the meeting, Konstantin Markelov “energized” a special symbol — “100 points” — and passed it to the freshers as a symbol of success throughout their long educational journey.

Directorate of Information Policy