ASU Outlines Areas of Cooperation with Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly

ASU Outlines Areas of Cooperation with Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly

ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov held a meeting with Svetlana Smirnova, the First Deputy Secretary General — the Head of the Secretariat-General of the Assembly.

At the meeting, the parties discussed, among other things, possible participation of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly in the Caspian Expert Club. According to Konstantin Markelov, the meeting is going to be held either this year or in the beginning of 2020. The meeting has already sparkled interest among representatives of the Academies of Sciences of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, the MSU Faculty of Political Science and a number of politicians.

The parties also mentioned the Caspian Youth Forum and publication of a series of encyclopedias on Caspian issues as possible areas of cooperation.

For reference:

The first congress of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly took place in May 2017 in Moscow and brought together representatives of 67 countries of the continent. The Assembly aims at forming an integration model of large Eurasian partnership at social level, extension and deepening of contacts between the peoples, development of political cooperation, transport, logistic, trade and financial ties between the Eurasian countries.

The Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly has formed more than 20 specialized international councils on the main areas of activities, dealing with the issues of scientific, economic and cultural cooperation.

Directorate of Information Policy