Astrakhan State University Student Sets a World Record

Astrakhan State University Student Sets a World Record

In order to surpass previous rope skipping achievements, Aleksey Kolomin, a 3rd-year student of the ASU Faculty of Physical Training & Sports, had to make 13,000 rope jumps in an hour’s time. According to preliminary estimates of the judges, he made more than 14,000 jumps.

On October 13, Alimpic shopping mall saw ASU athlete make a risky attempt to set a new world record. Aleksey’s family, friends, colleagues and former trainees were also there to support him.

Representatives of the Rope Skipping Federation of Astrakhan Region acted as official witnesses of the record setting. According to their estimates, Aleksey Kolomin jumped more than he’d been going to — he made 14,308 jumps in 60 minutes.

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Now the record is expected to be registered in INTERRECORD international book.

As Aleksey says, that hour was really hard for him, but the tremendous support the athlete got from his fans helped him find the strength to make it all the way and cope with the challenge.

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