Forum “We Need Each Other” Has Started in Astrakhan

Forum “We Need Each Other” Has Started in Astrakhan

On November 11, the Grand Hall of the Astrakhan State Philharmonic hosted the official opening ceremony of the 1st All-Russia Forum of Orphanage Leavers. ASU students are taking an active part in it, and some events of the forum programme are being held at Astrakhan State University.

The forum is organized by Astrakhan State University and the autonomous non-profit organization of assistance for orphan children “We Need Each Other”. The event is supported by the Federal Youth Agency, the autonomous non-profit organization “Russia — a Country of Opportunities” and the Administration of Astrakhan region.

The audience of the official opening ceremony was welcomed by Astrakhan Governor Igor Babushkin. According to the Governor, currently more than 90% of the total parentless children are brought up in substitute families. The Government of Astrakhan region targets its efforts on development of the foster family institution, increases financial support for foster and adoptive parents, gradually improves the system of post-orphanage support and addresses the issues of timely provision of comfortable dwelling.

The programme of the first day of the forum includes panel discussions on different topics: “Right for Successful Future: Urgent Issues of Fulfilling Rights and Opportunities of Orphanage Leavers”, “Youth Network Content: Critical Approach to Information Assessment” and “Right for Success”. There will be several discussion platforms and master classes, including “Designing Personal Success, “Internet Speed You: Online Resources That Help Look for Work and Level Up”, “Network Profile. How Your Profile Describes You” and others.

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