Consul of Turkmenistan Urges Young Compatriots to Learn Russian

Consul of Turkmenistan Urges Young Compatriots to Learn Russian

On November 8, Astrakhan State University held a traditional meeting of the Consulate officials with Turkmen students of ASU.

Addressing the students, Consul of Turkmenistan in Astrakhan Atadurdy Bayramov reminded of the close relations of Astrakhan State University with its Caspian neighbour. In particular, he marked out ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov’s visit to Turkmenistan within the framework of the First Caspian Economic Forum as a significant event and mentioned the Days of Turkmen Culture in Russia, timed to the celebration of the 295th anniversary of Magtymguly Pyragy’s birth.

As Mr. Bayramov said, the Consulate is ready to help the students with any issues of concern. Turkmenistan’s interest in its young citizens is proved by the news that now the countries are negotiating a possibility of organizing a flight from Astrakhan to Turkmenistan for the period of winter holidays, so that the students could visit their families and their parents would get to know how the children live in another country.

Atadurdy Bayramov reminded the Turkmen students of the necessity to comply with the Russian legislation, treat young ladies with respect, warned them against ill-considered behavior on the Internet and immoderate drinking. At the end of the meeting, the students were shown a patriotic video and could ask questions to the diplomats.

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