Konstantin Markelov: “ASU Must Become Support Centre for Regional Economy”

Konstantin Markelov: “ASU Must Become Support Centre for Regional Economy”

At the meeting of the Academic Council, the Rector of Astrakhan State University told his colleagues about the outcomes of the university’s development in 2019 and some long-term plans.

“The passing year is memorable for a number of important events, systemic changes and strengthening of the university’s positions at all levels. We adopted the university’s development programme for 2019-2023, where we clearly formulated our mission — to contribute to sustainable development of Astrakhan region and the Caspian macroregion on the basis of gaining and dissemination of best knowledge, development of HR capital and advanced training of the intellectual elite of our society, generation and transfer of scientific knowledge and technology, preservation and augmentation of spiritual values and traditions,” recalled Konstantin Markelov to his colleagues.

The Rector’s report included the assessment of ASU activities in 2019 in its main areas of work — the admission campaign, preparation for the accreditation, introduction of innovative educational practices into the educational process, implementation of additional education programmes, research activities, participation in grant programmes, projects in partnership with the Caspian states, public communications policy, activation of morale building activities, student initiatives and the financial indicators.

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