Konstantin Markelov: “Students Are Front and Centre for University”

Konstantin Markelov: “Students Are Front and Centre for University”

The Rector of Astrakhan State University held a press breakfast with journalists of Astrakhan mass media. He told them about the work done, the university’s achievements, implemented projects, the new format of work and, of course, about ASU plans for 2020.

For us, 2019 was both challenging and interesting. We dived into transformation of all the university life — both internal and external. An active work was conducted within the national projects „Science“ and „Education“. Despite the fact that the university had a solid foundation, we have created plenty of new traditions and educational projects, as the previous basis was not enough. Today we face completely different calls of the time, that’s why he had to reformate the work with regard to real needs of economy, the regional and Russian markets, said the ASU Rector.

Konstantin Markelov noted that the university has adopted the strategy of its development, established and developed cooperation with its partners and has an understanding of where to move next — above all, it is strongly supported by the staff.

After a brief report on the strategy of Astrakhan State University and its priorities, Konstantin Markelov answered the questions of the participating journalists. The mass media representatives were interested in whether ASU education is recognized abroad and what is being done by the university to attract students to technical majors. The guests also asked about invitation of the best engineers and scientists of the region to the university, enlargement of the scientific base, in-demand and less popular majors, construction of the interuniversity student campus, participation of ASU in the 2nd Caspian Economic Forum, Caspian Scientific and Educational Centre, international cooperation, association of Astrakhan HEIs, the most important results of the year for the Rector and a lot more.

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