22 Governor’s Scholarship Holders Study at Astrakhan State University

22 Governor’s Scholarship Holders Study at Astrakhan State University

December 20 saw the official ceremony of awarding certificates to the students that demonstrated their excellence in studies, research, experiments and design, creativity, sports and social activities upon results of the summer examination period.

This time, the organizing committee received 230 applications for the scholarship, but only 100 participants were recognized deserving the Governor’s encouragement. 52 of them were awarded this title for the first time.

Congratulating the audience, Head of the region Igor Babushkin noted that Astrakhan region could be justifiably proud of active students. He also expressed his confidence that the Astrakhan youth will be able to fulfil their potential in the home region — for this purpose, a number of large projects are being developed in the region, bringing in job opportunities.

The students of Astrakhan State University were honoured with the Governor’s encouragement in four areas: four students were awarded the scholarship for the excellence in science and research, thirteen students were recognized the best in social activities, four students were awarded for their sporting success and one more student won the scholarship for notable success in creative activity.

Directorate of Information Policy

Source: the materials of the Press Centre and information of the Astrakhan Governor Administration