Governor Igor Babushkin Learns about Educational Capacities of ASU

Governor Igor Babushkin Learns about Educational Capacities of ASU

The head of Astrakhan region visited the university in view of the celebration of the Russian Students Day and was shown the key structural units of ASU.

In particular, the Governor could see the value of the Centre of Interactive Communication and School of Sports, Physical Development & Healthy Lifestyle, with different student venues working that day.

Igor Babushkin was told in detail about the areas of work and resourcing of the Caspian Higher School of Interpreting and Translation (CITS). The head of the region not only had a look at the equipment but also made it into a conference-interpreting booth.

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Staff members of the CITS and ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov told the guest about the main areas of activities of the unit and its students’ achievements, whose high qualification allows them to take part in the terminology project on development of the WIPO Pearl database — a task, set to our university by the World Intellectual Property Organization, and to provide simultaneous interpretation during international visits of governmental delegations and meetings at the UN and European institutions.

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Another point of the excursion was the centre of continuing advanced training for teaching staff “Teacher of the Future”. It was established at ASU at the end of last year within the framework of the national project “Education” and, according to Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogics & Social Work Galina Palatkina, it is the only centre of such a type in Russia that functions at a university.

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