Rector Konstantin Markelov Congratulates ASU on Russian Science Day

Rector Konstantin Markelov Congratulates ASU on Russian Science Day

Dear scientists of Astrakhan State University! I wholeheartedly congratulate you on one of the most important professional holidays for the university community!

It is the day of those who generate promising ideas and put them into life, take an active part in innovative development, who is generous in sharing their knowledge with the younger generation.

Today, activities of our university are seamlessly connected with the state policy in economic modernization and addressing top-priority tasks for scientific development.

Over 2019, Astrakhan State University held 228 scientific events, including the international scientific forum “Caspian Region in Digital Economy Era”, the international conference on intellectual property and the all-Russian scientific festival “NAUKA 0+”. The sum of raised funds from their holding was 1.8 times more than in 2018.

In the past year, extra-budgetary foundations supported 11 grant applications from our university, including 5 projects supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and 3 environmental and sports projects supported by the LUKOIL Foundation. An application on holding the 22nd international scientific conference “Russian Studies and Modernity” was supported by the Russian World Foundation, while the Russian Geographical Society financed the project of the student summer scientific school “Delta Ecosystem Monitoring”. Projects of 2018 also received further financial support: financing within the state task of the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education, RF presidential grants, Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Russian Scientific Foundation grant support of the project “Transformation of Mechanisms of Forming Post-Transgression Model of Religious Identity in Modern Information Space” and financial support from foreign sources like Erasmus+ programme.

In 2019, ASU staff and students published 53 papers in journals, indexed by Web of Science, and 86 articles in journals, indexed by Scopus. According to Russian Science Citation Index data, in 2019 ASU affiliated authors published 2,179 works, including 413 articles in Russian VAK journals, 14 monographs and 22 study guides. The number of citations in journals, indexed by Scopus, was 169, in journals, indexed by Web of Science — 230, in journals of the Russian Science Citation Index — 100. 22 publications were made in cooperation with foreign organizations.

Last week, a regional office of the Russian Professors Assembly was established in Astrakhan region. It is a great honour for us that it will be chaired by an ASU professor and that our university was chosen a venue for its meetings.

Dear colleagues! On this festive day, I would like to thank you for your work and contribution to the advancement of science, replenishment and enrichment of human knowledge. May your work always bring you joy and be useful for society. I wholeheartedly wish current and future scientists good health, unlimited energy and inspiration, new achievements and discoveries!


Konstantin Markelov, Rector of Astrakhan State University