Students of Astrakhan State University Took Part in 3rd Winter Translation & Interpretation School

Students of Astrakhan State University Took Part in 3rd Winter Translation & Interpretation School

The event, organized by the Union of Translators of Russia, took place on January 27-29, 2020 at the Russian New University (RosNOU), Moscow. ASU was represented there by BA students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and MA students of the Caspian Higher School of Interpreting and Translation.

At the event, trainers of leading linguistic universities, practising interpreters, translators and invited experts shared their experience with starting interpreters and translators. Heads of translation companies in different areas that need specialists in film translation and computer game translation, which are becoming increasingly popular, told the participants about the niceties and pitfalls the translators may face. Besides, those who want to dedicate their life to translation could attend several lectures on using CAT systems.

The 3rd Winter Translation & Interpretation School allowed the students of Astrakhan State University to get a comprehensive idea about the T&I market in Russia, meet world-class translators and interpreters and get to know better the niceties of the chosen profession.

Caspian Higher School of Interpreting and Translation

Photo: courtesy of the participants