ASU International Students Learn Russian through Art

ASU International Students Learn Russian through Art

Participants of the Preliminary Training Unit for Foreign Citizens of Astrakhan State University attended the opening of Belarusian artist Vladimir Khin’s exhibition. This time, Velimir Khlebnikov’s House Museum, where our non-Russian speaking students are already frequent guests, is exhibiting linocuts and graphics.

Exposition of the items, illustrating the work of the famous Russian poet and prose writer, was accompanied by acting of performers of the Astrakhan State Young Spectators’ Theatre and items of musicians of the Astrakhan State Conservatory.

Such events are of great value not only because they give an opportunity to enrich students’ vocabulary but also because students learn Russian without an intermediary language (which is often English in their learning practice) — here the role of mediator is played by art which is intuitively understandable for any “citizen of the world”.

Preliminary Training Unit for Foreign Citizens