ASU Sums Up Results of Implementation of Additional Educational Programmes in 2019

ASU Sums Up Results of Implementation of Additional Educational Programmes in 2019

Information on target achievement and activity prospects for 2019 was presented by Galina Fayzieva, the Director of the Department of Continuing Education of Astrakhan State University, at a meeting of the ASU top management.

Colleagues were told about all types of additional educational programmes — general and additional professional ones (advanced training and professional re-training).

According to Galina Fayzieva, the number of students more than tripled last year. The speaker also noted an increase in the number of adult attendees, including representatives of third organizations.

Speaking about the prospects of development of additional education in 2020, Galina Fayzieva particularly stressed the plans on extending the range of the offered programmes and services, revision of the content of courses with regard to the use of distance educational technologies, as well as development of programmes of “professional add-in” for ASU students, which will allow to strengthen professional competence of graduates. Such courses will be offered by the Faculty of Economy & Management and Law Faculty as early as this year.

“We see that additional education indeed is in demand, and the university has everything to meet this need. Now we must concentrate on specific examination of the market of demand, to find out what programmes will be really relevant and suggest that ASU units develop them,” summed up Rector Konstantin Markelov.

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