ASU Presents Caspian SEC Project in the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education

ASU Presents Caspian SEC Project in the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education

The concept of the world-class scientific and educational centre was presented by Rector of Astrakhan State University Konstantin Markelov during his meeting with federal Minister of Science and Higher Education Valery Falkov.

Speaking about the preparation of the application on the establishment of the Caspian SEC, Konstantin Markelov noted that educational institutions and scientific organizations of Astrakhan region and Kalmykiya have already confirmed their participation in the project, while four HEIs of Dagestan expressed their readiness to become partners, in particular the Dagestan State Technical University and Dagestan State University. Now the application is being prepared for the competition on selection of the next scientific and educational centres by the Ministry.

Head of the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education Valery Falkov stressed the importance of regional governors’ support of SEC projects and recommended more active work on engaging the business sector.

Konstantin Markelov also presented one of the main developments of the SEC — an offshore multipurpose unmanned platform for conducting research in the Caspian Sea. A number of leading universities of Russia have already expressed their readiness for partnership.

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