Exhibition “Women’s Vision of Beauty” Opens at Astrakhan State University

Exhibition “Women’s Vision of Beauty” Opens at Astrakhan State University

On the threshold of the 8th of March, Astrakhan female artists decorated a renewed hall of the ASU art studio “Art Salon” with bright colours and flower expositions. All paintings are very different but are united with one single thing — all of them were created by women.

The exhibition has involved about 60 authors — these are Astrakhan masters that are members of the Russian Union of Artists, and those who only make first steps in painting — students, teachers and staff members of ASU. Besides, students of the Astrakhan State Technical University responded to invitation as well.

Guests of the event were welcomed by Head of the ASU Art Platform Project Office Galina Zoteeva. She thanked Rector Konstantin Markelov for his support of creative endeavours of students and teachers and shared some plans for the future — for example, the renewed hall of the art salon will become a platform for the best and the most cheerful and sensuous paintings of arts lovers of ASU and the region.

The audience also was welcomed by Chairman of the Astrakhan Regional Office of the all-Russia social organization “Russian Union of Artists” Yuri Glazkov and Director of the Astrakhan Art Gallery Irina Perova.

All the ladies, participating in the exhibition, received certificates and invitations to the exhibition “Collection of Images”, which is now taking place in the Dogadin Gallery, from Konstantin Markelov.

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