Teachers of Astrakhan State University Improve Their ICT Qualification

Teachers of Astrakhan State University Improve Their ICT Qualification

The ASU Department of Continuing Education keeps implementing the additional professional programme of advanced training “Information & Communication Technology in Teachers’ Professional Activities Under Conditions of Systemic Changes in Higher Education” within the framework of the corporate training for scientific and teaching staff.

The programme was developed by Oleg Evdoshenko, Candidate of Technical Sciences and Associate Professor of the ASU Department of Information Technologies, who also is the head and tutor of the course.

These are distance-learning courses, implemented on the platform “Open Education”. They are aimed at helping its participants gain ICT competence, improve the computer literacy up to the level of a qualified user and apply technologies to solve professional tasks under conditions of implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards 3++.

Online classes cover the issues of the nature, origination and development of information technologies, as well as their educational capacities. Besides, participants study the peculiarities of the single information educational environment, methods for creation and analysis of digital educational resources.

Teachers of the Faculty of Geology & Geography of Astrakhan State University were the first to complete the programme. The participants commended the course, giving a positive feedback and noting the advantages of the distance form of classes which gives an opportunity to learn the material at a suitable time and is fully informative and methodologically accurate.

Department of Continuing Education