Farmers of Astrakhan State University Start Planting Fruit Trees

Farmers of Astrakhan State University Start Planting Fruit Trees

The Educational Experimental Facility „Nachalo“ keeps its work on creation of a research and selection collection of genetic resources of vegetable, watermelon, industrial, orchard and medical crops of the Russian arid lands.

The current stage includes planting of seedlings of fruit crops — more than 20 varieties of peach, nectarine, apple, pear, cherry plum, etc. As a result, the collection of gene donors of selection-valuable characters of fruit crops will reach 110 variety samples.

This work is conducted within the project on creation of the ASU bio-collection by staff members of the Educational Experimental Facility „Nachalo“ with active support of the Astrakhan Branch of the Russian Agricultural Centre and its Head Viktor Shlyakhov.

Upon results of the work of the Astrakhan Branch of GosSortCommission, it is planned to register a new promising variety of cotton „AC-8“ in 2020.

Faculty of Agribusiness, Technologies & Veterinary Medicine