Iranian Art Historian Delivers Lecture for Students of Astrakhan State University

Iranian Art Historian Delivers Lecture for Students of Astrakhan State University

The ASU Project Office of International Cooperation and Development keeps implementing the project «International Online Against COVID-19», where lectors of foreign universities meet with the students and professors of ASU online to discuss relevant scientific issues.

Last week saw the first lecture, delivered by well-known Iranian art historian, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Architecture of the University of Mazandaran Mostafa Rostami. The event was held in the Boiling Point Centre of Astrakhan State University. The event involved students and professors of the Historical Faculty, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Philology & Journalism, Faculty of Social Communications, Faculty of Architecture & Design and everyone who is interested in the history of Persian art. In his lecture, Dr. Rostami dwelled on the history of Persian art in Ancient Iran before the adoption of Islam as a religion.

Once the lecture was over, the students of Astrakhan State University asked the foreign experts some questions, while those who are studying Farsi communicated with the lector without interpreter’s help, thus showing their linguistic and cultural knowledge.

The project “International Online Against COVID-19” is aimed at creating a single international environment for communication, acquiring of knowledge from leading foreign experts and support of the educational and research motivation among the students.

Project Office of International Cooperation and Development