Konstantin Markelov Will Take Part in Interregional Conference of Rectors of Russian and Uzbekistan Universities

Konstantin Markelov Will Take Part in Interregional Conference of Rectors of Russian and Uzbekistan Universities

The online event is taking place tomorrow, on May 27. Conference participants will sum up the interim results of practical implementation of the bilateral agreements in science and education and will outline new promising areas and formats of cooperation.

The event will become an important stage in preparation for the 2nd Uzbek-Russian Educational Forum, which is supposed to take place in 2020 in Moscow as part of the summit of the presidents of Russia and Uzbekistan.

The online conference will involve representatives of public authorities and rectors of more than 120 HEIs of the two countries, including Rector of Astrakhan State University Konstantin Markelov.

The plenary and sessional events will cover a wide range of issues:

  • State and prospects of the scientific and educational cooperation between Russian and Uzbekistan universities;
  • Current issues of establishment and work of branches of Russian HEIs in Uzbekistan;
  • Promising areas of interaction of Russian and Uzbekistan educational centres in the scientific sphere;
  • Innovative mechanisms of cooperation between universities of the two countries that meet the modern challenges.

The conference is organized by the Russian Rectors’ Union, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Republican Council of Higher Education of Uzbekistan and Ministry of Higher and Vocational Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Directorate of Information Policy

Source: materials of the official website of Lomonosov Moscow State University