Astrakhan State University Signs Cooperation Agreement with Foundation “Our Future”

Astrakhan State University Signs Cooperation Agreement with Foundation “Our Future”

The parties have agreed to promote the development of social entrepreneurship as an institution, facilitating alleviation of social problems, in Russia. In particular, the Foundation of Regional Social Programmes and ASU are going to cooperate in the spheres of education, science, development and implementation of professional educational programmes, in HR training, as well as in the issues of traineeships for ASU students in social entrepreneurs’ businesses.

Students of the ASU Faculty of Social Communications study socioeconomic issues and the models of solving social problems in society that include, among other means, social entrepreneurship.

In 2020, Astrakhan saw a launch of the project “Formula of Growth” of the Foundation «Our Future», aimed at facilitating rapid and high-quality growth of the business of each programme participant and at scaling up a social effect of their activities.

The programme duration is nine months, and it is planned to involve more than 150 representatives of the social entrepreneurship community. The project will allow to increase regional educational support of social entrepreneurship.

Astrakhan State University has been a partner of the project and has provided a venue — its Boiling Point Centre — for pre-accelerator and training sessions. Cooperation goes on even in the period of lockdown — it is planned to hold webinars with Leader-ID platform and ASU Boiling Point Centre in June.

Press Service of the Foundation Our Future