Astrakhan State University Will Upgrade Skills of Teachers of History and Social Science

Astrakhan State University Will Upgrade Skills of Teachers of History and Social Science

Members of the ASU Department of Foreign History & Regional Studies have developed an additional professional programme of advanced training “Content and Methodology of Teaching History and Social Science in Accordance with Federal State Educational Standards for Secondary General Education in Secondary General Education Institutions”.

The programme was developed under the supervision of Associate Professor of the department Yulia Kudryashova and is aimed at upgrading theoretical knowledge and improving practical skills of programme participants in the sphere of teaching history and social science in secondary general education institutions.

Within the programme course, college teachers will learn to implement educational programmes in these subjects in accordance with the requirements of educational standards; they’ll get to know the theoretical and legal framework of teaching history and social science under conditions of the educational system modernization, will learn how to use theoretical knowledge for addressing practical tasks, to analyze and solve relevant issues of teaching social science and to apply technological models in the educational process and will master some research skills.

Department of Continuing Education