Konstantin Markelov: “We Have Something to Share with Authorities”

Konstantin Markelov: “We Have Something to Share with Authorities”

In June 4, the Education Development Institute held a business meeting of Deputy Chair of the Astrakhan Government Dmitry Ovchinnikov, Minister of Education and Science of Astrakhan region Vitaly Gutman and heads of the leading HEIs of the region. The colleagues told the public officer about the specificity of their work, discussed emerging challenges for science and education and some ways to address them and outlined plans on strengthening the cooperation.

According to the deputy chair, one of the main joint tasks for the Astrakhan government and educational institutions is keeping the youth in the region. For this purpose, it is necessary to raise the region’s attractiveness and create comfortable conditions for the younger generation — to improve the spheres of education and healthcare and to develop the infrastructure.

The meeting involved the heads of Astrakhan State University, Astrakhan State Technical University, Astrakhan State Medical University, Astrakhan State University of Architecture & Construction, Astrakhan State Conservatoire, Caspian Institute of Maritime & River Transport, Astrakhan branches of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, International Legal Institute and Saratov State Law Academy. The heads shared their ideas on development of the regional education with the deputy chair.

In particular, the rector of Astrakhan State University proposed to develop a common strategic idea of educational institutions as organizations that train the regional HR and to create a global framework that can be integrated into the socioeconomic strategy of the region. According to Konstantin Markelov, it’s also important to analyze the market in order to determine the professions and training programmes that will be relevant in the near future.

Directorate of Information Policy