Bulgarian Scientist Will Deliver Lecture for Students of Astrakhan State University

Bulgarian Scientist Will Deliver Lecture for Students of Astrakhan State University

The webinar by Dr. Valentin Petrusenko, Associate Professor of the Faculty of History and Philosophy, Plovdiv University of Paisii Hilendarski, titled “Hot Summer of 1989 in Russia and Eastern Europe: Eye of the Beholder”, is taking place on June, 14 at 16h00.

The lecture, initiated by the ASU Project Office of International Cooperation and Development in partnership with the Boiling Point Centre within initiative “Online International against COVID-19”, will be delivered by the Bulgarian colleague in Russian via Zoom.

The main topic of Valentin Petrusenko’s lecture is the anticommunist revolutions of 1989, sometimes called “Fall of Nations” in Western countries.

Valentin Petrusenko was an unwitting beholder of those long-ago events and he will share his emotions and hopes he had and the ones all his contemporaries trusted in in those challenging times.

If you are interested in the history of Russia and Eastern Europe of the end of the last century, we invite you to join the online event. Use the link to register for the webinar.

Project Office of International Cooperation and Development