Astrakhan State University Trains Second Group in Programme “3rd and 4th Grade Cook”

Astrakhan State University Trains Second Group in Programme “3rd and 4th Grade Cook”

Classes are held in the Training Center of Restaurant Service & Hospitality of the Faculty of Pedagogics & Social Work. The course is delivered by chefs Ruslan Putilov, Vladimir Palatkin, Galina Kireeva, Maria Palagina and Valentina Limonova.

Participants of the course study the technologies of preparation and processing of raw products and preparation of dishes and garnishes from vegetables and mushrooms, cereals, legumes and macaroni, eggs, cottage cheese, pastry, meat, fish and chicken, soups and sauces, cold dishes and starters, deserts and drinks.

The study process takes place both online and offline. The former implies watching video lessons, made by the chefs, and then the attendees work independently on the study tasks, make video reports or pass interactive tests.

According to the course leader — Director of the ASU Training Center of Restaurant Service & Hospitality Vladimir Palatkin, combination of online and office formats is optimal for those who want to combine the course with getting another education or with work.

The participants that will successfully pass the final examination will receive the vocational certificates “3rd Grade Cook” or “4th Grade Cook”.


Faculty of Pedagogics & Social Work