ASU Representatives Joined Video Conference with RF Minister of Science and Higher Education

ASU Representatives Joined Video Conference with RF Minister of Science and Higher Education

Valery Falkov presented a draft programme for strategic academic leadership to the university and academic community. The online meeting closed the series of online events, aimed at development of the programme.

According to Valery Falkov, the primary selection of universities for participation in the programme will be conducted by the competition committee of the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education. A decision on assigning a participating university with a certain status will be made by the Council for Development of National Research Universities and the Council for Development of Supporting Universities.

Results of the activities of national research universities and national supporting universities will be assessed according to their relevance for real economy sectors, participation in the knowledge and technology transfer to the real economy, commercialization of research results, development of HR potential for carrying out advanced research, improvement of the research potential, integration with scientific and educational institutions and real economy organizations, as well as recruitment of students. As soon as the graduates’ employment monitoring systems are improved within the programme, parameters indicating the level of their wages and career paths in research and development will be also assessed.

Summing up the meeting results, Valery Falkov noted that slight adjustments may be further introduced to the programme. In the near future, a draft of a respective decree will be sent for consideration to the Russian Government.

RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education