Konstantin Markelov Speaks about Caspian Geopolitical Importance at International Conference

Konstantin Markelov Speaks about Caspian Geopolitical Importance at International Conference

28 scientists from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan held an online discussion on the issue of preserving the natural heritage, national culture and historically formed identity of the Caspian Sea region.

The international scientific and applied online conference “Sustainable Development of Caspian States in a Changing World” took place on July 10 and was organized by a working group on cross-national and cross-religious relations and extremism prevention of the Expert Council for Development of Civic Education and Students’ Socialization of the State Duma Committee for Education and Science.

In his report “Great Caspian Sea Region in System of New World Economy Set-up”, Rector of Astrakhan State University Konstantin Markelov touched upon an issue of the Caspian Sea region as an axial region of Eurasia. Speaking about the “strategic triangle” of Russia, India and China, Konstantin Markelov stressed the importance and potential of the International North–South Transport Corridor.

The conference will result in publication of proceedings that will provide information on the speakers’ research projects.

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