New Academic Year at ASU Will Start in Traditional Format

New Academic Year at ASU Will Start in Traditional Format

According to the explanations by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia, the educational process at Astrakhan State University is going to be organized offline in compliance with all the sanitary safety measures.

It should be recalled that during the online meeting with Russian universities in early August, Minister of Science and Higher Education Valery Falkov outlined the basic requirements for universities for the upcoming academic year. These are obligatory wearing of facemasks both by professors and by students, everyday temperature measurement and regular air disinfection in the study rooms.

As for foreign students who cannot arrive at Russia by the beginning of the academic year because of the closed borders due to the COVID spread, their training within educational programmes, implemented by ASU, will be organized with the use of electronic forms of studies and distance learning technologies or according to the approved individual curricula.

We also inform that if Russia’s international transport communication with other countries is renewed, foreign students who will arrive through the visa-free procedure must have documents that prove their legal stay in Russia and legal crossing of the Russian border.

Besides, according to the recommendations by the Federal Service for Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, the incoming students will be allowed to attend classes after a 14-day lockdown (starting from the date of their arrival at Russia), being tested for COVID-19 on the 10-12th day of the examination.

Please contact the Directorate for Extracurricular Activities & Student Initiatives Development concerning temporary accommodation in the dormitory: 8 (8512) 24-64-35.

Source: materials of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia