Student of Astrakhan State University Won Tavrida Grant

Student of Astrakhan State University Won Tavrida Grant

5th-year student of the Faculty of Philology & Journalism Yulia Afonina took part in a competition of youth initiatives within the all-Russia forum and won 400 thousand rubles for implementation of her project.

The student presented her popular-scientific YouTube channel “Scholar of all Russia”, where she tells her audience about the lives of outstanding writers and explains complicated literary phenomena in simple terms. Yulia Afonina is going to make 10 videos “Classic Authors in Crimea”, where she will speak about various writers’ ties with the peninsula. The initiative is aimed at promotion of classic works of literature and development of cultural tourism.

At the forum, the student did a course in a creative anti-school of literature and mass media and visited a workshop of Elena Shubina’s Editorial.

Yulia Afonina has been keen on literature from the very school years. She studied in Green Lamp editorial school at Success art centre, worked for VTemeTV youth video studio and the editorial board of Moscow Komsomolets in Astrakhan; her materials have been published in Volga newspaper and Ast-news online journal.

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