Konstantin Markelov Met with RUDN President Vladimir Filippov

Konstantin Markelov Met with RUDN President Vladimir Filippov

The university’s representatives discussed implementation of the roadmap within the partnership agreement, signed by the universities in the summer of 2018. The main topics were joint participation in international programmes and training of researchers.

According to Rector Konstantin Markelov, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia is an important strategic partner of ASU. In particular, RUDN is the coordinator of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation universities, it takes an active part in development of the BRICS networking university and cooperates with a number of HEIs in Southeast Asia. The colleagues discussed a possibility of RUDN professors’ participation in various Caspian projects of ASU.

Besides, Konstantin Markelov and Vladimir Filippov exchanged their experience in preparing for participation in the strategic academic leadership programme competition and made a decision to mutually support their applications.

Besides, the colleagues discussed issues of arrangement of ASU Ph.D. candidates’ defence in RUDN thesis boards and topics for joint research. As the rector of Astrakhan State University noted, representatives of our university will visit Moscow to approve specific topics in the near future.

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