Rector’s Address to ASU International Students

Rector’s Address to ASU International Students

Dear students who are citizens of foreign countries! Let me once again congratulate all of you on another academic year, and our first-year students — on the start of their studies at Astrakhan State University!

Our main objective is to help you become in-demand specialists at international level. For this purpose, the university has created all conditions for international students’ adaptation to the educational process and your inclusion into scientific, research, creative and volunteering activities.

In 2020, the global situation, connected with the COVID-19 spread, have changed all the spheres of people’s lives, including education.

This spring, Astrakhan State University, like many HEIs in the world, has switched over to e-learning and distance educational technologies, and from September, 1 — to mixed studies, combining both online and offline modes of work.

Not all the international students managed to arrive by the beginning of the academic year due to objective reasons. For them, the university has organized distance learning through our e-learning environment.

You may join the e-learning environment through the university website in the student’s personal account. Dean’s offices of your faculties provide a login and password for entering the student’s personal account. Find the contact details on the university’s website.

In your personal account, you will find your current timetable, surnames of the professors, materials for classes, tasks and other additional information.

Dean’s offices of your faculties may provide consultation on the issues of work in this system and of the educational process in general (by phone or e-mail).

Specialists of the Foreign Students Relations Unit will answer your questions concerning the migration registration and accommodation in the dormitories (e-mail:, tel.: 8 (8512) 24-64-31).

Those who would like to participate in the extracurricular life of the university and keep up with recent events are invited to learn about the International Students Association and the United Council of Students.

Now the administration of Astrakhan State University and a team of technical experts, professors and employees are doing their best to ensure a stable and comfortable educational process and create all conditions for your educational progress.

Do not hesitate to ask any questions. Like all of you, we are looking forward to the opening of borders and renewal of the «live» format of studies!

Rector of Astrakhan State University

Konstantin Markelov